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Reaper Miniatures FAQs

Reaper Miniatures are the makers of the world's finest metal miniatures and miniatures accessories! Reaper offers a number of premier 25mm Heroic Scale fantasy lines for miniature painters, roleplayers and wargamers including Dark Heaven Legends, Warlord, CAV, Legendary Encounters Pre-Painted Plastics, Chronoscope, Bones, Pathfinder Miniatures, and more. is here to help with some of your most frequently asked questions about Reaper Miniatures!

Are Reaper Miniatures plastic or metal?

All figures part of the Bones and Legendary Encounters line are plastic. You might see figures that are in the ‘Chronoscope Bones’ or ‘Pathfinder Bones’ lines – know that if it is part of a Bones line, it’s going to be plastic. All other figures are metal, including minis in the ‘Chronoscope’ and ‘Pathfinder’ lines (notice how they don’t say Bones).

Reaper Miniature Bones
Plastic Dwarf
Reaper Miniature Dark Heaven Legends
Metal Dwarf

Do Reaper Miniatures come painted?

Only minis in the Legendary Encounters line come painted. All others are unpainted.

Reaper Miniature Painted
Reaper Miniature Unpainted

Do Reaper Miniatures come assembled or unassembled?

It depends on the figure. Most small Bones figures come completely assembled, while larger ones require assembly. For example, Kraken #77291, Nethyrmaul the Undying #77190, and Dragons Don't Share #77381 all come in several pieces and require assembly.
Check out Dragons Don't Share #77381 before and after assembly:

Reaper Miniature 77381 Dragons Don't Share Unassembled in Box
Reaper Miniature 77381 Dragons Don't Share Assembled and Painted

Many of the metal figures come unassembled, even some of the smallest ones. For the most part, if something is unattached to the figure, it will be limbs, weapons, shields, and the head.

Sometimes, unassembled pieces might be attached to a base or some other place that you must remove it from. You can usually remove it by carefully wiggling it back and forth by hand since the metal holding it in place is very thin. If unwanted metal remains you can always remove it using pliers and/or a file.

Reaper Miniature Remove Undesired Molding
Unwanted Metal
Remove Reaper molding with pliers
Grasp with Pliers
Remove Reaper molding with pliers by wiggling
Break Off
Reaper Miniature's extra molding removed
File as Needed

How do I assemble Reaper Miniatures?

Instructions are not included with the figure but if you have a look at what is unattached you might get some clues on how and where the pieces fit together. For example, Benedikt Evil Warrior #03200’s right arm is unattached, but there is a large groove in his shoulder to fit his arm. Dwarf Warrior #14353’s right hand with axe and his shield are unattached, but there is a groove at the end of his right arm to attach his hand, and a small bump on his left arm to hang the sword.

Once you’ve figured out where the pieces fit, apply a small amount of super glue or putty (Reaper offers ‘Green Stuff’ putty) to the area. Gorilla glue is a great option as it strong, doesn’t require heating, and is able to dispense a small amount in narrow areas.

How do I paint my Reaper Mini?

Once assembled you’ll want to remove unwanted molding, mold lines, and any other undesired plastic/metal from the miniature now. Use an old soft toothbrush with dish soap to clean the figure, then dry. Now you’re ready to prime the figure and paint. Reaper Miniature’s Master Series Paints are a great choice but you can certainly go with artist, craft, or acrylic paint.

Click Here for more in-depth information on the painting process.

Is my metal Reaper Miniature’s sword supposed to be bent?

Probably not but do not fret! You should be able to bend any weapon into the desired shape just using your hands. The metal is thin enough so that if you apply light pressure, the weapon will bend into the direction you are forcing it. Just be sure not to bend the metal back and forth, over and over again - doing so will weaken it and the metal will eventually break off.

Reaper Miniature's Bent Weapon
Bent Weapon :(
Fix Reaper Miniature's bent weapon
Apply Pressure
Fix Reaper Miniature's bent weapon
That's It!
Fixed Reaper Miniature's bent weapon
All Better :)

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